Welcome. In this blog I will tell you relation between the Fibonacci Sequences and the Golden Ratio.Before that below you can see the statue of Fibonacci, made in 1863 by Giovanni Paganucci, a sculpture in florence, but kept in a ancient cemetery in pisa where the Fibonacci was born. Its is interesting that the likeness of Fibonacci in this statue and his iconic portrait probably looks nothing like Fibonacci, since no true drawings of him exist from 850 years ago . But nevertheless Italy still honors him with this sculpture. Statue Of Fibonacci Let's Return to Fibonacci Numbers and Fibonacci recursion relation. Then we will show you how they are related to Golden Ratio. So let's do some mathematics. Any way what's the recursion relation do you remember?? The n+1 Fibonacci number is equal to the sum of preceding two that is nth Fibonacci number Plus n-1 Fibonacci number right . Fn+1 = Fn + Fn−...