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Showing posts from July, 2020


HEALING POWER OF NATURE N ature provides a bountiful (unbridge) pharmacopoeia through it's plant life. Plant were humankind's original medicines, and even with the birth of modern medicine plants remain an important source of medicinal help.  I n all traditional culture, certain members accrue ( emerge) specialized knowledge of medicinal plants and their applications. These are the healers, midwives, shamans, and other individual who dispence cures and remedies through their understanding of healing plants and their applications.  Women in their roles as mothers and grandmothers also command this knowledge, some times in the form of "Old wives"remedies that, more often than not, have a firm basis in herbal medicine.  T oday countless people still use medicinal plants, whether in traditional ways, in alternative and complementary medicine, or as building blocks for new research and innovative drugs. Pharmaceutical companies and ...


ELECTROCARDIOGRAM [ECG] Generally we all heared term "ECG" most of the time but most of you don't know what exact it is and why it is so important.  Let's know about it !  DISCOVERED by the Dutch Physiologist Einthoven willem( The father of ECG).  Electrocardiogram[ECG] is the graphical registration of electrical activities of the heart, which occure prior to the onset of mechanical activity of the heart.  The technique by which the electrical activities of the heart are studied called Electrocardiography and the instrument (machine) is called Electrocardiograph .  ECG is the summed electrical activity of all cardiac muscle fibers recorded from the body.  HOW IT IS RECORDED  The paper that is used for recording ECG is called ECG paper and Electrocardiographic grid refers to the markings on ECG paper.  ECG paper has horizontal and vertical lines at regular intervals of 1mm. •Time duration of ECG waves is plotted horizontally on X-axis...