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Nature provides a bountiful (unbridge) pharmacopoeia through it's plant life. Plant were humankind's original medicines, and even with the birth of modern medicine plants remain an important source of medicinal help. 

In all traditional culture, certain members accrue ( emerge) specialized knowledge of medicinal plants and their applications. These are the healers, midwives, shamans, and other individual who dispence cures and remedies through their understanding of healing plants and their applications. 
Women in their roles as mothers and grandmothers also command this knowledge, some times in the form of "Old wives"remedies that, more often than not, have a firm basis in herbal medicine. 

Today countless people still use medicinal plants, whether in traditional ways, in alternative and complementary medicine, or as building blocks for new research and innovative drugs. Pharmaceutical companies and government research programs routinely screen plants, focusing especially on species with potential ANTICANCER and ANTI-HIV benefits. And today's burgeoning ( increase rapidly) use dietary supplements carries on tradition that is millennia old. 
As to the important of medicinal plants, the statistics are telling . As many as 50 percent of prescription drugs are based on molecules found naturally in plants. Some 25 percent of prescription drugs are derived directly from plants or modeled on plant molecules. These percentage have held steady for 60 years , a testament of plants enduring medicinal powers. 


PLANTS               |          IS USED TO TREAT
COCO                             ASTHAMA
POPPY                             PAIN
FOXGLOVE                       HEART DISEASE 
THYME                             SKIN FUNGUS
WHITE WILLOW               PAIN


For the ancient cultures of Americas, chocolate, Or coco was a sacred plant. It's use,begun with the Olmecs around 1200 B.C. and continued with maya and Aztec. The Aztec restricted drinks made from coco seed to ceremonial use and consumption by high-ranking adult males- priest, government officials, and worriors. 
Mesoamericans recognized the general properties of coco and used it to treat intestinal complaints, to calm the nerves, and as a stimulant. Mixed with maize and other herbs, coco treated fever, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations. 
Cacao(coco) flowers were ingested to treat fatigue; cocoa butter, the creamy fat in the beans, soothed burns, irritated skin, and chapped lips. 
European explorers brought cocoa and chocolate to Western culture, where it became very popular as a delicacy and medicinal plants,. It's assigned scientific genuinely name Theobroma means " Food of the Gods."

Today studies show that cacao seeds contain more than 300 different chemical compounds. These include the stimulant caffeine as well as theobromine, an alkaloid that has a calming effect on brain and an energizing effect on the nervous system. Cacao also contains compounds that tend to reduce depression and may induce a slight sense of euphoria, as well as powerful antioxidant compounds that may help protect against cancer and heart disease. Some medical professionals even recommend a daily "dose" Of about an ounce and half of dark chocolate for its cardiovascular benefits
Which grows wild of North America and Europe, provides one of many plant derived compounds used in Western pharmacology. 
Some 70 percent of plants found to have Anticancer properties grow only in rain forests, yet fewer than 5 percent of tropical species have been screened for their medicinal properties. 

Sun is the most important, natural source of energy for living and non- living on the planet. The plants depend on sun for photosynthesis. 
The place of sunlight in therapeutic was in cases of epithelial cancer- solar cautery
Sun rays also essential for synthesis of vitamin D( for bones ) in human body. 
The Sunlight help in convertion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (present onto the epithelium of skin) into cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)(which is essential step in synthesis of vitamin D). 

Moon has been known to influence the formation of tides. Somnambulism(sleep walk) is considered to be a lunar effect. 
Worm affection are said to be most troublesome at the full moon and the goiter diminishes more or less during waning moon. Among other maladies, notable influenced by the moon are epilepsy and lunacy



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