Welcome. So below you can see very beautiful painting of Friar Luca Pacioli. Luca Pacioli was a religious man but he was also a Mathematician . And because of his standing as mathematician he became the teacher and good friend of Leonardo Da Vinci. Who is the most famous of all the renaissance men . Luca Pacioli Luca Pacioli is known as the Father of Accounting and Bookkeeping. But our interest in him is because he was the author of a book called the "De Divina Proportione" or "On the Divine proportion". The Divine proportion is a number . It's a number that we call now the Golden Ratio. Luca Pacioli thought this number was divine, was godly number. We are going to see that this number has a very close relationship with Fibonacci Sequence. What Is GOLDEN RATIO ?? We can understand what the Golden Ratio is by starting with a line segment and dividing the line segment into two segments. Lets Say one of length x and one of length y . Assuming that length x is lar...
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