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How Hardwork pays you in Gold

 One Day, a widow was walking on the road with her two children. The mother and children were begging for money and help.

 On the way, they met a rich merchant and they begged him for food and money. The merchant said, “Send your children to me. I will teach them to turn wood into gold.”

 The widow thought that the merchant was joking. Still she thought of sending her children with the merchant. The merchant taught the two children to make different types of furniture out of wood. After a few months the boys started making wooden furniture and earnt lot of money by selling it. 

Within a few years they worked very hard and became very rich. The mother was shocked! She realised her sons became rich because the merchant had taught them to turn wood into gold. 

Moral of the Story: 
You need to remember two things to earn money. Hard work and Skill. With these two you will be able to earn a lot of money. These are very important and are the real gold. 


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