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What you have is Important

 A rich man had a son. The son again and again asked his father for a new car. However the father never agreed to buy him a car. After a few times, the son gave up and focussed on his studies. He then successfully graduated. His father called him to his room. The son wondered why he was summoned and walked to his room. 

The father said,”Congratulations my son! You have graduated! I have a gift for you." The son was very excited thinking his father had finally bought him a car. The father gave the gift to the son. The son opened the box. Inside was a nice thick book with a leather cover. The son was disappointed because he imagined it to be a car. 

The son got angry, threw the book away, packed his bag and left the house. The son worked hard and became successful and rich like his father. One day he wanted to meet his father and realised he must be old now.  He thought about forgetting what happened in the past and packed his bag to meet his father. 

When he was about to leave, he got a message that his father had died. He sat down in shock. He then reached his father's house and accepted everyone's condolences . He was walking around his father's house reminiscing old memories. The son then began sorting through important documents when he came across the thick leather book. He opened the book, flipped the page and on it his father had written, "I love you my son, congratulations on your graduation. Wherever you go in this car, write about your experiences and remember it forever.

" The son was shocked to read about the car. He flipped a page and a key fell down. He realised that his father had purchased the car for him! He felt very bad for his behaviour. He had not talk to his father proper, disrespected him by throwing the book and walked out. Holding the book he started crying miserably. 

Moral of the Story: 
No matter what you recive always accept it. Do not refuse it and have stubborn expectations. Value and accept all that you receive. 


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