What are chunks ?
What is illusion of competence in Learning?
How to make your studies more valuable?
So basically chunks are compact packages of information that your mind can easily access.
When we start Learning a new concept sometimes it doesn't make much sense and appear as a puzzle whose pieces are randomly placed. Chunking is a mental process that helps you to take small or individual pieces of information and let them tie together with other pieces so this grouping forms a new larger units .
The new logic makes it easier to rememberit also you can fit this small chunk into puzzle to make a larger picture of what you are Learning.
If you just mug up or memorize facts without understanding them it won't help you to learn what's really going on or how this concept actually fits with other concept you are Learning.
Octopuse of attention :
When we are in Focused mode there are four slots of working memory appear behind forehead or in the prefrontal cortex. When you are focusing it's like an octopus of attention this octopus slips tentacles through four slots of working memory and help you to make connection to information that you have in various parts of your brain . Its different from the random connection of diffuse mode.
Focusing your attention to connect parts of the brain to tie together ideas is an important step that helps you start creating chunks .
You know whenever you are stressed you can't concentrate its because your octopuse begins to lose the ability to make connection. So when you are stressed, angry or afraid your brain doesn't work.
Next time we will learn How actually you can form chunks and answers to other questions asked in starting.
So happy Learning .
What is illusion of competence in Learning?
How to make your studies more valuable?
So basically chunks are compact packages of information that your mind can easily access.
When we start Learning a new concept sometimes it doesn't make much sense and appear as a puzzle whose pieces are randomly placed. Chunking is a mental process that helps you to take small or individual pieces of information and let them tie together with other pieces so this grouping forms a new larger units .
The new logic makes it easier to rememberit also you can fit this small chunk into puzzle to make a larger picture of what you are Learning.
If you just mug up or memorize facts without understanding them it won't help you to learn what's really going on or how this concept actually fits with other concept you are Learning.
Octopuse of attention :
When we are in Focused mode there are four slots of working memory appear behind forehead or in the prefrontal cortex. When you are focusing it's like an octopus of attention this octopus slips tentacles through four slots of working memory and help you to make connection to information that you have in various parts of your brain . Its different from the random connection of diffuse mode.
Focusing your attention to connect parts of the brain to tie together ideas is an important step that helps you start creating chunks .
You know whenever you are stressed you can't concentrate its because your octopuse begins to lose the ability to make connection. So when you are stressed, angry or afraid your brain doesn't work.
Next time we will learn How actually you can form chunks and answers to other questions asked in starting.
So happy Learning .
Very interesting