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Let's Start Learning

What you do when you stuck on problems? 

Well you may have different answers that you can comment.For Ghost and zombies its simple they keep on strike there brain on the wall. But human brain is different and not simple one to understand.
If you know little bit about your brain how it works you can learn easily new things and be less frustrated.

Two states of thinking 

  • Focused Thinking 
  • Diffused Thinking  

Mostly you all are aware of focused thinking .Your friends & teacher must told you to concentrate on your studies or performance, isn't it?

But we are less aware of Diffuse 🤔 let me try to differentiate  both for you.

           Focused Vs Diffuse Thinking 

Diffused thinking is like relaxed thinking in this state you can think on broader prospective.

In Focused state you concentrate on something you are already familiar and try to master it, which is  simple like add or subtract number, calculating electric field or magnetic. Here you do something you have been taught by teachers and you are familiar with so your thoughts move smoothly. It's like moving on nice paved road.

What about a new idea or approach ? Something you are never familiar before?

I also teach my students some methods to solve a given problem and usually they all do the same thing again and again. When I put the same thing in different way in which either you have to little modify your approach or use some of previous knowledge to solve the problem students stuck. Hardly 1 or 2 can actually think in different way to solve it. It's my own experience.

            Focused Mode Diffuse mode

In focused state you can see you used to make same pattern .But in diffused state your brain is free to run where you can make your connection as you wish.
Naturally you can't be on both thinking state at the same time like we can see one side of a coin at one time . One state limits your access to other one.

OK, Now let's know about  some legends how they access their diffuse ways of thinking to do something new.

How to make your brain a better learner? 

It doesn't matter whether you are a loser or genius, I will tell you ways to improve your skills and tips for learning based on my experience and the course I have done on Coursera Learning how to learn with mam Barbabra Oakley. I'm writing what I have understood to help all of you to overcome your frustration and increase your understanding.

                        Barbabra Oakley 

So let's know about those extraordinary people who use different thinking state to help themselves.

  •  Salvador Dali -20th century surrealist painter

Mam when spoke about him she said he is a wild & crazy guy. To make creative painting he used to seat on the chair in a very relaxed way and let his mind go free but subconscious thinking about what he had been previously focusing on while doing this he keeps a key in his hand then slip into his dreams falling asleep, then key falls and sound wake him up , just in time. So he could gather up those diffuse state connection and ideas and go to focused state again with new connections he made while asleep.

Well you can ask how artist thinking will help students of science, Math and other fields right ?

                           Thomas Edison 

Now surprised I also , He also used to sit on his chair holding ball bearing in his hand .
Let his mind run free , when edison fall into his dream place ball bearing falls and sound wakes him up . He also use his diffuse state ideas in his focused state to build a new one .

  • So when you learn something new or difficult let your mind change thinking style from focus to diffuse and vice versa. 

You can't build muscles by working out one day like a fiend. You need to do little work everyday slowly allowing your muscles to grow .

Similarly to learn new things you need to build your neural network patterns, you need to do little work every day gradually allow to grow neuro scaffold. 

Will understand later new topic on my next blog keep learning happy Learning and thanks for learning.


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