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Pomodoro Technique -Timer of tracking your long lasting Productivity

What is procrastination? 

Let's talk about it later. Well don't you think you got the answer. 
When you start doing something that cause you little unease or you don't like so you change or shift your mind in doing something else which makes you feel happy. 

Pomodoro Mental Tool :
Let's talk about mental tool known as a pomodoro . Pomodoro is discovered by Francesco Cirillo in early 1980's .In Italian word pomodoro which means tomato. It is actually a timer you have to set a timer of 25 minutes. In this 25 min Focus on your work without being distracted or disturbed. 
              Pomodoro Timer 
Well anybody easily can focus for just 25 min ,isn't it ? So focus intently on study, performance or whatever it is and after completing a pomodoro of 25 min take a break of 5 min in which give yourself a reward for completing a pomodoro. Like a bite of chocolate, a coffee,  a cold drink or meditate, take a walk or you can chat on whatspp ,internet surfing. Don't forget break is between 5-10 min .Allow your mind to enjoy and let it run free.
Intense workout or mental gym for 25 min then 5 -10 min rest that is mental relaxation.

As we know practice makes permanent .
Why we should practice?
When Some one says Doremon what comes in you head ? Yes same picture.
When someone say dog we can think of how it looks. But ideas in maths and science are abstract yes like Love , Happy , sad are also abstract. They are emotion of a person.
To understand concept in science and maths we need some analogy to relate them in the physical world.
                      Maths  Symbol 
That analogy forms in your brain when neural network connects and its possible only through practice. When you do something or learn for first time brain forms a light shade network .when you do it next time network becomes strong or little dark. As shown in below figure
So yes through practice you can also make that dark network and you will learn better then others.If you don't do this your knowledge base will look like jumbled, confused and poor foundation.
So do work everyday and give your brain rest using pomodoro. Build a strong neural structure .

So next time we will learn about chunks.
Thanks for Learning  happy Learning .


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