Multiple research groups are developing potential vaccines, Italian scientists have claimed to develop a vaccine that has successfully generated antibodies in mice that work on humancells. The vaccine has been tested in the Spallanzani Hospital hospital in Rome. It is said to be one of the most advanced stages of testing of a potential vaccine in the country as the vaccine neutralizes the SARS-CoV-2 in the human cells. After a single vaccination, the mice developed antibodies that can block the virus from infecting human cells. The researchers selected the two best Plasma therapy is being treated as yet another complementary treatment to help the COVID-19 patients recover.
The convalescent plasma therapy involves transfusing a blood component knownas plasma from the body of people who have recovered from the virus attack to the severely ill patients or coronavirus patients who are at a high risk. This is said to help in kick starting the passive immunity in the patient and could help those whose bodies aren't producing enough antibodies to cure the disease. Several hospitals across India have dived in to use plasma therapy for treating the coronavirus patients including Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra, and MadhyaPradesh. Delhi Health Minister had reported that six severely ill patients ofCOVID-19 had nearly recovered after the usage of convalescent plasma therapy.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 , previously known as the 2019 novel corona virus a strain of corona virus
Nowdays corona virus being a pandemic disease of the world.
Let's know about the corona virus:-
Coronavirus were the big family of different viruses. Some expert say's SARS-COV-2 originated in bats it's a back by middle east respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome got started.
Corona virus made jump into the humans,all over the world and first started at one of the state of China name WUHAN at open air market where customers buy fresh meat and fish including other fresh meat which are killed on the spot and sell it.
Some wet market selling wild or banned species like cobra, racoon dog, bats. Crowded conditions swap genes from one animal to different other animal and swaping of the genes changes so much that it starts to infect among the people.
It's now spreading all over the globes, people are unwittingly catching coronavirus and transmit.
As per the World Health Organization,there are currently 8 COVID-19 vaccines which have entered the human trial
phase. In the USA, Pfizer and BioNtech
(pharmaceutical companies) have
partnered together and have started the
clinical trials of their BNT162 vaccine
Both the companies are working on four
RNA vaccine candidates and they
injected 12 healthy adults with the
mRNA vaccine candidate. In an RNA
vaccine, the RNA enters the human cells
and tells the cells how to build a spike
protein of the coronavirus.
Once the antigen recognise by body it
develops protective antibodies.
On 30 January 2020, following the
recommendations of the Emergency
Committee, the WHO Director-General
declared that the outbreak constitutes a
Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC)
The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, but the global response draws on the lessons learned from other disease outbreaks over the past several decades.
As part of WHO's response, the R&D Blueprint was activated to accelerate diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics for this novel coronavirus. The Blueprintaims to improve coordination between scientists and global health professionals, accelerate the research and development process, and develop new norms and standards to learn and improve upon the global response. World scientists on COVID-19 then met at the World Health Organization's Geneva headquarters on 11-12 February 2020 to assess the current level of knowledge about the new virus,agree on critical research questions that need to be answered urgently, and to find ways to work together to accelerate and fund priority research to curtail this outbreak and prepare for those in the future.
The discussion led to an agreement on two main goals. The first was to accelerate innovative research to help contain the spread of the epidemic and facilitate care for those affected. The second was to support research information sharing between countries.The second was to support research priorities that contribute to global research platforms in hopes of learning from the current pandemic response to better prepare for the next unforeseen epidemic. Building on the response to recent outbreaks of Ebola virus disease,SARS-CoV and MERS-CovV, the R&D Blueprint has facilitated a coordinated and accelerated response to COVID-19,including an unprecedented program to develop a vaccine, research into potential pharmaceutical treatments.
The discussion led to an agreement on two main goals. The first was to accelerate innovative research to help contain the spread of the epidemic and facilitate care for those affected. The second was to support research information sharing between countries.The second was to support research priorities that contribute to global research platforms in hopes of learning from the current pandemic response to better prepare for the next unforeseen epidemic. Building on the response to recent outbreaks of Ebola virus disease,SARS-CoV and MERS-CovV, the R&D Blueprint has facilitated a coordinated and accelerated response to COVID-19,including an unprecedented program to develop a vaccine, research into potential pharmaceutical treatments.
Multiple research groups are developing potential vaccines, Italian scientists have claimed to develop a vaccine that has successfully generated antibodies in mice that work on humancells. The vaccine has been tested in the Spallanzani Hospital hospital in Rome. It is said to be one of the most advanced stages of testing of a potential vaccine in the country as the vaccine neutralizes the SARS-CoV-2 in the human cells. After a single vaccination, the mice developed antibodies that can block the virus from infecting human cells. The researchers selected the two best Plasma therapy is being treated as yet another complementary treatment to help the COVID-19 patients recover.
The convalescent plasma therapy involves transfusing a blood component knownas plasma from the body of people who have recovered from the virus attack to the severely ill patients or coronavirus patients who are at a high risk. This is said to help in kick starting the passive immunity in the patient and could help those whose bodies aren't producing enough antibodies to cure the disease. Several hospitals across India have dived in to use plasma therapy for treating the coronavirus patients including Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra, and MadhyaPradesh. Delhi Health Minister had reported that six severely ill patients ofCOVID-19 had nearly recovered after the usage of convalescent plasma therapy.
However, it is important to note that there are no definitive studies that show the effectiveness of plasma therapy instrengthening the immune system against the disease. Moreover, the Union Health Ministry has advised against considering plasma therapy asthe ultimate treatment to battle thehighly infectious disease as it is at an experimental stage and has the potential to cause life-threatening transfusion-related complications. hydroxychloroquine is the first-linetreatment of patients suffering from novel coronavirus in the US as it said to contain antiviral and immune-calming properties. Even the health experts in India believe that the anti-malarial drug is “only available remedy” for the novel coronavirus.
A clinical trial also claimed that HCQ(hydroxychloroquine) can efficiently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro and has a good potential to combat the disease, but prolonged usage and overdose of the same can result inpoisoning.
The demand for anti-malaria drugs skyrocketed after preliminary reports from China found out that it enabled the recovery of COVID-19 patients. The results of the trial showed that hydroxy chloroquine helped in shortening the duration of cold, cough,and fever in COVID-19 patients. However, while the malaria-drug showed promise in mild to moderately illpatients, a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM),claimed that it did not work for critically ill patients. Remdesivir is a drug used to treat MERS and SARS (diseases caused bycoronavirus family) and was manufactured in the year 2014 for the treatment of Ebola. It is an experimental drug that seems to hold the promise of speeding up recovery from COVID-19. Aclinical trial found that after using Remdesivir drug, the recovery rate was 31% faster when compared to placebo treatment.
Gilead Sciences is the maker of the remdesivir drug. The malaria drug paved its way to the limelight after reports of Donald Trump requesting India to supply hydroxy chloroquine to the US surfaced online. The US President has been backing the malaria drug as a treatment for the novel coronavirus, even though the clinical trials are underway to understand the effectiveness of hydroxy chloroquine for the treatment of novel coronavirus.
As per several reports,hydroxy
chloroquine the first-linetreatment of patients suffering from novel coronavirus in the US as it said to contain antiviral and immune-calming The HIV-drug combo has been one ofthe most touted treatment plans for the COVID-19. This antiviral drug combination was initially found to be effective in treating coronavirus
patients as doctors of SMS hospital ofJaipur, Rajasthan claimed to have given the combination of anti-HIV drugs,lopinavir and ritonavir tablets to twoItalian patients. In another incident, a British national in Kerala, who had tested positive for novel coronavirus,was also given the HIV-drug combo,following which he tested negative for COVID-19.
Oxford University initiated a phase-1 human clinical trial of its vaccine on April 23, where two volunteers were injected and Elisa Granato is one of the first ones to get injected with thevaccine. The vaccine -ChAdOx1nCoV-19- was developed under three months by the University’s JennerInstitute. It uses a weakened strain of common cold virus (adenovirus) that causes infections in chimpanzees. For the vaccine to work, scientists have taken the genetic material of the novel coronavirus present on the surface of the virus and put it in the virus. To prevent the spread ofCOVID-19.
Healthcare professionals both in India and overseas have criticized the Indian Government for allowing its Ministry of AYUSH, which promotes alternative medicine systems in the country, to release a health advisory on January 29 that advocates the use of homeopathy to ward off infections of the newly circulating SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus which causes the Covid-19 disease. This includes the use of a homeopathic preparation called Arsenicum album 30C and two drops of sesame oil in each nostril each morning for prevention, and Unani medicines (treatments based on the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen) to mitigate symptoms of coronavirus infection.
1)clean your hands properly ,using soap and water or an alcohol based hand sanitizers.
2) Maintian safe distance from who is suffering from coughing and sneezing.
3) Don't touch your moth nose or eyes without cleaning your hands.
4) Cover nose and mouth with mask while coughing and sneezing.
5) stay home if you feel unwell.
6) If you have fever , cough and difficulty in breathing problem like symptoms, seek medical attention.
7) Do exercise and meditation regularly to be a healthy and increase the fighter power of immunity.
8) Eat healthy and save food.
Good 😊🙂
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ReplyDeleteYou are doing great work is very useful for us..
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job nice knowladge.
ReplyDeleteGood information 👍